PE.DI SRL adopts Procedures and Policies in line with the General Data Protection Regulation of the European Union (GDPR 2016/679) in order to ensure high safety standards and to safeguard rules enabling the appropriate handling of Personal Data.

In particular the European Regulation stipulates that all individuals whose personal data are handled by PE.DI SRL during their relationship with the company should be informed about the ways in which their data will be processed and the purposes of said processing.

A document known as “ Privacy” allows this type of information to be conveyed.


Privacy Policy

This page contains information for customers, professionals and individuals who have established relationships with PE.DI SRL for various reasons.

Each person whose personal data has been processed is invited to read the relative information, so that they can be sufficiently informed about the ways in which their data will be handled and kept.

The link beside each type of “subject concerned” allows you to view, print or download the relative information document.


Information for the different categories of concerned subjects